CTO Intake Form

Please indicate on the following list if your study uses any BMC clinical services or infrastructure:

Please fill out ancillary service intake form with the link.

Please fill out ancillary service intake form with this link

Please fill out ancillary service intake form with this link

Please fill out ancillary service intake form with this link

Please fill out ancillary service intake form with the link.
Action Steps:
If a Participant Service/ Item/ Procedure is utilizing BMC space:
1. Enter the study into VelosCT:
1.1. Enter information into the "Summary" tab and towards the bottom enter as many information as possible under the 'More Study Details' section
1.2.Initiate the study entry in VelosCT, upload the following documents under the "Documents" tab:

Main Documents:

Must have CTA template (draft), Study Budget (draft) or Funding Sheet and Full Study Protocol in order for CTO to initiate the review process. ICF needs to be provided before the first round of external negotiations begins.

Supplementary Documents: (can be provided as needed)
     a. IPS Budget (if any);
     b. FDA IND Letter of Approval or FDA IDE Letter of Approval (if available);
     c. Investigator brochure (as applicable).

1.3. After the upload of documents is complete, submit the Study Initiation eForm under the “Forms” Tab. Once this is done, an email notification will be received in the CTO Inbox and CTO will begin working on your clinical trial coverage analysis, budget, and contract negotiation.

A draft coverage analysis will be completed in 12-15 business days if applicable.  CTO will 
seek your and your study coordinator or designee’s input during this work, and will require your approval on the final version.
2. CTO to provide next step for ancillary services.

*Training material and videos available online at 

Once submitted, the request is automatically emailed to the BMC Clinical Trial Office (CTO@bmc.org). A Clinical Trial Financial Analyst will be in contact with next steps, as applicable.